Sunday, October 3, 2021

What a Dump. Not. . .


Long Pond, Maine. July 2021
Well. This isn't actually our new place, but a view from the cabin where we stayed in July. Not a dump. Nor is our new place. It's a mess, of course. Our stuff arrived on Tuesday and Wednesday. It feels like it was sort of randomly scattered throughout the house. It wasn't. We tried to direct the  young men who unloaded it, but we weren't altogether successful. 

There was considerable damage to several pieces of furniture, and oddly to two pieces of original art. Somehow, a patio chair leg (or two) went through our carefully packed box (with paper and bubble wrap), and pierced the canvas of a rather large portrait of Lacy, previous best-dog-in-the-universe. The portrait was by Jaki Katz, and titled The Food Thief: A portrait of Lacey. My next task tonight is to email her and ask her how we might go about repairing the several tears in the canvas. 

But I digress. I've decided that this will be my last entry in this blog. After all, Three to go East is over.  We have gone East. I'll likely pick up my Clay Covered World blog again when I get the studio up and running, which will be quite some time, I'm afraid. Did I tell you? This place is a wreck. Smile.

The kitchen is quite usable, though, we can sit on furniture (Yay!), and our bedroom is divine. I can't ask for much more. And I also have this challenge. . . opportunity. . .  to rebuild a studio once again. It's all good. I lack patience, but that's not new. Another challenge.

I want to close with some images that John-the-Younger took of us when we vacationed here in July. He is such a talent. Sensitive images of crazy creatures and a beautiful place. It's a gift. I wish you all the best of journeys as we make our ways through these difficult times.

Yesterday, we went to a state-wide artisan celebration day in Gardiner, Maine. It's not far from Oakland. There were street-artist demos, a food coop (where we ate lunch), and a lot of welcoming people. I came across a hand-screen tee shirt that said "You can relax now. You're in Maine". It's a little cheesy, but feels pretty right-on.

Barb and John, Long Pond 2021

Long pond view, 2021
                   Jasper, Long Pond, 2021
The dock, 2021

Barb, Sarah, John 2021