Tuesday, July 27, 2021

A Day on Long Pond


The view from the house
The bid for the house was accepted. So many details to attend to, but most managed by phone. What a relief. So we set about the work of enjoying our cabin on a lake. John left at 6a to go fishing, though apparently the fish didn't wake up until some time later. Jasper and I wandered down to the lake, coffee in hand (mine) to sit on the dock and soak up the ambience of a large glacial lake. 

Sitting on the upper dock
It was clear and utterly empty. Later in the day, a haze from the Western wild fires would hang over the area, but for this moment, it was clear, quiet, full of coffee and thoughts.

Truth be told, I woke up at 2am and thought "Are we nuts? What have we done?" But as I went over the details of the house, I couldn't find a wrong thing about it for us. We are climate refuges, but as the smoke told us today, there is really no escape. My only consolation now is that Maybe. . . Maybe. . . some percentage of the deniers will be slapping their foreheads and saying "Maybe this is real".

Fly fishing lessons
Tomorrow is the house inspection, so the kids can see it too. And verify our good judgement. Or not. This evening promises some rain, so we'll sit on the deck under a canopy, eat lobster roll and other assorted Maine Delights, finishing up with a Birthday Blueberry pie with Ice-cream (made from the little native blueberries. . . Vaccinium angustafolium. . . that grow here) to celebrate Sarah's birth. Another year.

I'll close with some images of the trees that grow in this part of the world. I didn't know I missed them until I saw them again.

The lake framed by Eastern White Pine

White Birch and Cedar

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