Friday, July 30, 2021

Winding down in Belgrade


View from the Adirondack, 8:30a
One can't really develop a routine in 6 days, but we came close. John-the-elder and John-the-younger took off in the boat to fish at about 7am, I took Jasper for a walk, Sarah went for a run, and then I was back for coffee, the Idaho Statesman and a lake sit until the others got home. It always takes us a while to figure out how to vacation.

Yesterday, we headed to Freeport, home of L.L. Bean at noon or so to see the place, the town, and visit Wolf's Neck State Park for a walk. John-the-younger also wanted to see the ocean in these parts. Jasper lounged in a shaded car while we shopped and ate a little Ben and Jerry's, then we headed out to the park, which is a short drive from Booming Downtown Freeport. The weather started to turn about then, and by the time we were hiking, it was blowing rain and salt water. No crowds! And we had 2 umbrellas and wonderful views. Hard to complain.

Wolf's Neck in the rain

It's hard to see from the images how hard the wind was blowing, but we found a sheltered spot and watched. And watched. It really was beautiful, in that stormy New England Coast way. John-the-elder and I have been here before when the kids were young. We remembered the view of the osprey nest. Yes. The osprey made several appearances in the stormy weather, along with a couple of cormorants (who were undeterred by the weather) and a fishing boat in the bay.

Wolf's Neck view

After the stroll in the rain, we headed to The Maine Beer Company, which was a brewery that Sarah and JTY had researched. Sarah had made reservations, and we had a great table in the absolutely fabulous HUGE brew house. We ordered some pizzas that were wood-fired and delicious. The brew house limits you to 90 minutes at a table, which was just about right.
Evening cast
The weather has been unsettled today, and we're all too aware that this is our last day. Checkout time tomorrow is 10a. When did check out times get this early? We have dinner tonight at The Village Inn and Tavern; a place that specializes in Duck dishes, and Sarah and I have vowed to go for one more swim, regardless of the weather.

Unsettled weather
The house inspection did not go as well as hoped, but for now, all we can do is wait until the sellers get a copy. We leave tomorrow to visit friends in Merrimack, New Hampshire. It's funny how being on the road seems so normal, now. It was soooo nice, though, to unpack for a week, and spend time with Sarah and John.

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