Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Catching Up


Catherine's House
I've been remiss. Our next stop was at our friend Catherine's house in the wilds of South Dakota. Three dogs, an unknown number of cats, chickens, beautiful place with trees and all manner of shrubs and flowers (Catherine is a fellow horticulturist), children. It was so good to see her, and I didn't want to take time away from her to blather on here.

It was hot. Still hot, though our fair city, Boise, continues to be considerably hotter. We haven't crossed the country in the summer in 21 years.It is hotter.

Best seat in the house

The last day of travel to Catherine's place was quite long. Also hot, and the width of South Dakota is a tough place to find a walk, especially when you need a shaded walk for an old black dog. And oldish White People. While we're traveling, Jasper has the best seat in the house. The protected back seat, with my pillow for his head. He is not spoiled. Merely considered. Well, I'll leave that to your judgement.

One of the Grand Children

Catherine's Grand Daughter, who lives with her, is quite a sweetheart. She's active, but not obnoxiously so. Ha. Do I ever sound crusty.

We spent 2 nights with them in Toronto, SD, and then headed to Madison WI, where John had booked a LaQuinta. LaQuinta's are pretty great. They allow dogs, no extra charge, and this room was out of town, but large and inexpensive. 

Just for a moment. . .
Jasper rarely gets on any furniture, but the Very Long Drive to Madison must have been inspirational. It continues to be hot (90's plus humidity). We unpacked and went into Madison, took a walk in Tenny Park, which is between two lakes. Good news? It is green and has a lot of trees and shade. Bad news? It was really still quite hot at 8p and humid. The lakes smelled like sewage. It must be an algal bloom? Hard to know. We headed from there to the Willy Street Coop to pick up some dinner; a recommendation from my niece who lives in Madison when she's not being a world traveler. We picked up food, and then luxuriated in the hotel room. 

And now, we're in Port Clinton, Ohio, visiting John's sister and her husband in a beautiful cabin on Lake Erie. We're lucky to be able to see so many folks that we live so far from. Still hot, but a thunder storm is promised (not something we see in Boise), lightning bugs are here, and a swim is in my near future.

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