Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Penn's Forests

Pennsylvania at 65 mph

 I am once again delayed in updating this journal. Once again we were able to be with old friends and I put time with them above time posting. Not a bad priority, but forgive me if I've kept any of you on pins and needles. Ha. 

We have had some wonderful hikes since passing through Madison. We stopped at Indiana Dunes State Park and had a great hike (though not on the dunes) and a picnic there; then traveled on through to Pennsylvania. William Penn's Forest. Words and images can not describe the feeling of belonging that I have for these forests. Plants. . .so many species, heights, colors; leap out of the soil. Weeds do as well, of course, but that's the price one pays for good soil and water falling from the sky on a regular basis. We spent a couple of days with our good friends from our days at Penn State. It has been so good to see everyone. To pick up on our last conversations. . .favorite topics include our children, Jasper, old friends, good memories, new developments, recent and prospective retirements.

First view of Mt. Nittany
Surprisingly, central PA had a feeling of home. Familiarity. I have always loved that ecosystem, and we have been treated to a couple of wonderful thunderstorms, which we missed terribly in Idaho. We also saw fireflies.

A view from K and J's

Jasper, by the way, has been a perfect gentleman. Well. With the possible exception of doing some marking in less-than-desirable places. "No whizzing on the flower pots!". He has met so many people with an open heart, and he is, as always, sweet and gentle with other dogs. 

The pond
After leaving central PA, we headed down to the Doylestown/New Hope area of PA. John has a conference he needs solid WiFi for, and we wanted to explore this area. On the way, he found a hike that entered into the Appalachian trail, so we got to hike on it. A there-and-back. It was incredibly hot and humid, but we soldiered on so that we could all get a little exercise. It was a relatively short car ride, and we were treated to a thunderstorm (or three!), and dinner with Sarah and John. We hadn't realized how close we would be to Inner Philly (deepest darkest?), so it was a surprise all around. Jasper proved adept at navigating the narrow tree lined streets of their neighborhood. We ate at an outdoor pub, where Jasper feasted on a hamburger while we shared food and drink with Sarah and John. I know the John's are confusing, so from here on out, I'll refer to Sarah's John as John-the-younger. Done.(!)
Hiking the Appalachian trail: A Little Bit
I'll finish off with a video of the rainstorm we had after the hot humid day. The humidity remains an issue. But these storms are some vindication.

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