Saturday, September 11, 2021

Go East, Old People

Bear River at Bear River State Park
Many things have happened. We really are moving to Maine. In fact, we started the journey today. We have been busy with buying and selling a house, packing, dealing with the logistics of moving (Yay, John), packing packing packing. A van was delivered to our house 2 days ago. Then the guys we hired to load  it for us came yesterday. They left at 4p or so, and we cleaned until 7pm. After several nights of not-so-much sleep, we took off this morning. The car is bursting, since we not only need to make the trip, but will need to live in our house without our stuff for a couple of weeks. Did I mention logistics? Good Grief.

So! After spending the night at a friend's house (thank you guys!!!), we headed out at 8am this morning. I usually like to start a trip at 5am, but we were just too tired! We went through Idaho and Utah, and then stopped at Bear River State Park shortly after entering Wyoming. This is a favorite of ours, and we realized that we might never pass through it again. Like so many things about this move, it was bitter sweet. When you move this far when you're this old, being realistic about your chances of returning is part of the process.

Bear River State Park Proximity to Evanston WY
Bear River is one of those wide flat rivers, more typical of rivers in the mid-west than in the west. The state has done a terrific job with this park. There are a ton of picnic areas, and trails for hiking. Clean bathrooms. The stuff of life. We gave Jasper a long one, and sat down to a picnic of the odd assortment of foods that we ended up with. 



Grazing elk at the park. Check out those antlers. . .

This park is also such an asset to the city of Evanston. 

We ended up staying in Rock Springs Wyoming tonight. The lack of public land here is so glaring. It is also a morass of strip malls and hotels. I wanted to walk to the grocery store, which is quite close to the hotel, but it is both unsafe and unpleasant, so we did the American thing and got back in the car. Small sigh.

Our favorite Traveling Companion

Wyoming is also impressive for the lack of masks being worn. It is a high infection state, and yet. . . I was one of the only people in a crowded grocery store who was masked. This stand continues to perplex me. . and more than that, I actually felt vulnerable today. It would really be great if we can make it to our new home without becoming sick. (!) 

Big excitement tomorrow. We'll be staying in North Platt, Nebraska!

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