Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Weary Travelers All

Lake McConnaughy in Nebraska
 It has been weeks since I've written. Please forgive me. We have had some wonderful visits with old friends and John's sister since I last wrote, We are all healthy and we will be back in Boise tomorrow, if all goes according to plan. I'll keep my comments brief, since I'm on my battery, and most of my photos are hard-to-get-to. Today is Wednesday. We started our slow gallop across the country (from Fairfield, PA) on Sunday. Our last night is here in Green River, Wyoming. I will work backwards once I get home to a better computer setup, but wanted to touch base one last time from the road.

A hike in an Iowa State Park
A good friend of ours in Pennsylvania asked me if I considered myself a climate refugee. It didn't take a lot of thought for me to say "Yes. I do.". We are going back to a predicted 5 days of triple digit weather in Boise. The smoke has been visible from Maine through Wyoming, though much worse as we traveled West. Our trying to escape to Maine is likely futile, since they will also not be immune to drought, increasing heat, and even wildfire. It makes me so sad. And now disease is once again escalating as much of our populace remains ignorant and foolish. 

I am tired, and will make sure my outlook is better when I next write. Fear and sadness will not change things, but perhaps the closing lovely photos will at least bring smile. 

Rock Creek Park seen in Iowa

Jasper, by the way, has continued to be a hero and a bright light. He has tolerated long stretches in the car, and been joyous on walks. We joke that we are driving from walk to walk. We lucked out with a lovely day in Wyoming today. . . mid-80's, and we found a municipal park in Rawlins for a picnic, thorough dog-brushing, and some Frisbee throwing.

After the Frisbee chasing

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